RR: March 14, 2013
It’s Pi, Popes, Robots…and Ben Goldacre. It’s that kind of a day. Enjoy your required readings, students. I’ll be quizzing you later.
Celebrate Pi Day – In the US at least, where we place the day before the month. Sorry, Europe. But, hey, enjoy these math teacher resources for Pi Day!
Building Evidence Into Education – a new paper from skeptical hero Ben Goldacre. Even if you’re not a teacher, you need this resource.
Robotics Competition Draws Hundreds, Encourages STEM Education – In Kansas, of all places! 😉
Catholic-College Leaders Welcome New Pope as Scholar and Leader – The Jesuits are known as an intellectual order within the Church. I wonder what, if any, attitudes will change toward science? Will Pope Francis I be as scientifically open-minded as Pope John Paul II?
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Required Readings are a list of links that you might find interesting! Look for them to appear every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning.