Required Readings, 11 August 2013
Good morning, everyone! I’m currently attending a conference on STEM education in D.C., hence my taking over the Sunday Required Readings. I’ll be back to posting on Tuesday next week.
In honor of this conference, today’s Required Readings links are all focused on science education. I hope you will find them interesting:
-Mentors are inspiring girls to pursue STEM careers.
-Google’s first Geek Street Fair drew hundreds of students last week, and showed them the various joys that could be found in science, technology, engineering, and math-related fields.
-The Kentucky Board of Education has approved new science standards, despite public opposition to teaching students evolution.
-England may soon face a shortage of science and maths teachers.
Have some links you’d like to share? Submit them on our contact form!
Required Readings are a list of links that you might find interesting! Look for them to appear every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning.
Image credits: Wesleying