Required Readings, 17 September 2013
Good morning! Here is a grab-bag of articles for today’s Required Readings:
-Atheists in London set up a “godless congregation,” expand to broadcast services in other cities.
-Rachel Held Evans tells atheists that she won’t think Richard Dawkins speaks for all atheists… so long as atheists don’t think that Pat Robertson speaks for all Christians.
-Bill Nye discusses the Huffington Post’s poll on evolution.
-Michelle Obama’s new public-health campaign involves getting people to drink more water – despite the fact that there’s no good scientific evidence indicating that drinking more water has the benefits the campaign says it does.
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Required Readings are a list of links that you might find interesting! Look for them to appear every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning.
Image credits: Wesleying
And I thought all atheists appreciated not having to go to church on Sundays!
Some of us appreciate not having to go to church everyday.
I’m sorry, but all I have to say is PUFFIN! I love puffins. We went to Skomer Island a couple of years ago and I’ve been near obsessed ever since.
Oh my! I didn’t realize that I and my fellow fratercula arctica had such devoted fans! ^_^