Which kind of preschools work, which kind of sex-ed doesn’t, a meeting of minds and the subtext of “No excuses”- Required Reading 2/20/2014
Okay- here’s some of the latest if not all the greatest:
Some recent discussion on the value of full day preschool.
Think Progress hooks us up with some un-cheering data about what kind of sex ed doesn’t work. Can you guess? Ok, I’ll tell you: the kind that doesn’t tell you anything about sex!
Here’s an upcoming, and fairly cheap, or shall we say reasonably priced, conference in Austin, put on by Diane Ravitch’s group, the Network for Public Education. A lot of great education bloggers will be there. Here are some: Anthony Cody, Mercedes Schneider, Jose Luis Vilson, Paul Horton, Geralyn Bywater McLaughlin.
And here over at Schools Matter is a breakdown,( takedown?) of the educational /pop psychology slogan “No Excuses”.
Required Readings are a list of links that you might find interesting! Look for them to appear every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday morning.Have some links you’d like to share? Submit them on our contact form!
Image by Speecharella