Introducing Skeptability!
Skepchick has a new sister site! Our newest addition, Skeptability, is devoted to the discussion of disability-related issues in science, skepticism and beyond. Sarah and her team will be kicking the site off with a variety of fantastic articles over the next few days and they would love to read your comments! Skepchick sites are two-way streets, so why not head over to Skeptability and contribute to the discussion?
Disability is a huge issue in education and regular School Of Doubt readers will certainly find much to get their teeth into over at Skeptability. Maybe you have experience of working with disabled students or maybe you’re an educator with a disability of your own. Maybe you’ve never really considered disability-related issues and would like to find out more. Whatever your situation, our newest site will provide space for more of the fantastic intelligent discussions that make this network great.
You can find the new site at
Welcome to the network, Skeptability!