Teachers’ Grammar; Language and Neuroscience; Ebola Advice for Colleges; A.P. History Anger: It’s Required Readings!

Hello! Welcome to another set of Required Readings. Here are some of the more interesting or unusual education-based stories that I’ve found around the web over the last few days.


Teachers’ knowledge of grammar has been called into question in the UK, with the blame being placed on a lack of formal grammar education in the 90s and 00s – the years in which the current generation of new teachers would have been at school.

Swedish neuroscientists have performed some interesting research into what happens to the brain when a person learns a new language.

In the wake of the Ebola crisis, the CDC has issued strong advice to US Universities as the new academic year begins.

US Conservatives are up in arms about some changes that are being made to A.P US History exam. Gotta be up in arms about something, I suppose.


Required Readings are a list of links that you might find interesting! Look for them to appear every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday. Have some links you’d like to share? Submit them on our contact form!


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