Satanists in Florida schools, academic freedom, inequality on campus, BYOD, and more: Required Readings, 9.16.14

The Satanic Temple of Orange County, Florida, will be distributing copies of The Satanic Children’s Big Book of Activities in county schools in the wake of a court decision stating that if the schools allowed Christian groups to disseminate Bibles and Christian-oriented religious materials, they would also have to allow atheist and other groups to do the same.

Regarding freedom of thought at the college level, the co-founder and executive director of Ex-Muslims of North America writes to student groups at Yale University that tried to prevent a speech by Ayaan Hirsi Ali because of her prior comments on Islam. 

As part of the ongoing dialogue on reducing inequality in the U.S., policy researchers discuss how to make college less aristocratic and more meritocratic.

In a related vein are questions about whether universities with billions of dollars in endowments should lose their status as nonprofit organizations.

More school systems are telling students “Bring your own device” to boost classroom technology use.

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