Peer-reviewed expletives, error-filled ed data, frat bans, college costs, and the Newtown shooter: Required Readings, 11.23.14

Wondering about whether that journal asking you to submit a manuscript is a legit open access resource? Well, if it accepts an article titled “Get me off your f^[#ing mailing list” consisting of nothing but that phrase written over and over, you might want to send your research elsewhere.

Data-driven education policy seems to be a focus these days, but what happens when the data are seriously flawed (i.e., just plain wrong)?

In the wake of a damning Rolling Stone article about sexual assault on campus, the University of Virginia has suspended all fraternities and sororities on campus until January. (The magazine published an online follow-up relating reader comments and experiences later in the week.) UVA joins West Virginia University in halting fraternity activity as of late (WVU did so in response to the alcohol-related death of an 18-year-old student at a fraternity party.)

College Abacus is a web tool that allows future students to compare estimated costs among colleges using the colleges’ own data, but some institutions are blocking access.

A report by Connecticut’s Office of the Child Advocate on the mental health and educational history of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza shows missed opportunities to intervene in his worsening mental state and asks about the role of class and race in how the school system dealt with his mental issues and his mother’s resistance to treatment. 

What does Gamergate mean for the use of gaming in education?

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