College sport myths, science un-fairs, student power, no more biblical thoughts for the day, SXSWedu, and more: Required Readings, 03.15.15

In honor of yesterday’s release of the NCAA men’s basketball brackets, we’d like to begin today’s RR with 5 myths about college sports.

This idea probably won’t come as a surprise to many of our readers, but many believe that Science Fairs Aren’t So Fair.

Why Do American Students Have So Little Power, for instance, participating on school boards and in policy discussions?

White Oak High School in Texas, which has a history of church-state violations, will not continue to read bible verses over the intercom system after all, per the school district superintendent.

Major topics at the South by Southwest Edu conference in Austin last week included student privacy, digital tools for instructors, and alternative credentials.

Free speech on campus: students expelled for racist chants.

The University of Oregon used a student’s records from the university counseling center in its defense against her lawsuit over its handling of her rape. And it appears to be perfectly legal.

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