Liberal students, first-gen students, more LA creationism, grad student unions, and more: Required Readings, 06.07.05
Hot on the education web this week: a liberal professor terrified by his liberal students; plus, a response.
Among the struggles that first-generation college students face: guilt and a loss of identity.
Newly released documents show that some Louisiana public schools are using the Bible as a science classroom textbook, with the encouragement and approval of school administrators.
The New York Times’ opinion pages published a series of editorials on unionization efforts by graduate instructors. The one group not represented among the authors: graduate instructors.
An op-ed written by an ex-Muslim student for the University of California Berkeley student newspaper has been removed from the paper’s website for “personal safety concerns.”
In case anyone out there didn’t realize this fact: Technology Alone Won’t Fix Schools
Pakistani officials announced this week that, contrary to earlier reports, 8 of the 10 men tried for the shooting of education activist Malala Yusafzai were acquitted.
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