Art exhibit removed, student podcasts, ethnography and ethics, Sweet Briar staying open, and more: Required Readings, 06.21.15
School administrators in Maryland took down a student art exhibit on police brutality against black men, ostensibly to keep students out of “the middle of a media firestorm.”
One Connecticut teacher had her 10th graders create podcasts focused on the themes of To Kill a Mockingbird.
Sociologist Alice Goffman’s book about inner city life in Philadelphia has raised issues about how the conventions of social ethnography may lead to inaccuracies in scholarship based on this method.
Sweet Briar College in Virginia will remain open during the 2015-16 academic year, according to a legal agreement announced yesterday. Among the terms: The college’s leadership will be overhauled, and an alumnae group will provide $12 million in donations for the college’s operations.
The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that a child’s statement to his teachers about physical abuse at home that was introduced at trial without the child’s testimony did not violate the constitutional right of the accused to confront the witnesses against him.
Fight the power! When teachers protest.
A conundrum in Deutschland: Teaching the Holocaust to Muslim Germans
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Image by David Lee