Mothering African universities, disabled conference-goers, correctional ed, WI tenure, and more: Required Readings, 07.19.15

In a new study, women leaders in higher education in Africa describe their gender as an extra job they must perform, in which they must serve as maternal figures as well as role models.

As the United States approaches, the 25th anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, academic organizations should make stronger efforts toward removing barriers to disabled scholars at conferences

It’s not just about getting a GED: why correctional education matters.

Is the Wisconsin legislature’s decision to eliminate statutory tenure protection just another step in a movement to dismantle higher education?

A professor at an Indiana Christian college—who also holds a leadership role with an organization that promotes the compatibility of Christianity and modern science—has resigned rather than sign a contract stating “We believe that the first man, Adam, was created by an immediate act of God and not by a process of evolution.”

ConnectHome is a new White House initiative designed to give free or low-cost Internet access to some 275,000 homes in 27 cities, in order to close the so-called “homework gap” for low-income children who have no Web access at home.

Months after a parent observer (and university researcher) live-tweeted her son’s abstinence-only sex ed class, the East Lansing (MI) school district has suspended the outside contractor, a religious-based crisis pregnancy center.

Have any education-related news or opinion that should be shared with the world? Send it to SoD via our contact form.

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