A taste of state legislation, grade inflation, open education, and more: Required Readings, 03.08.16
With state legislatures back in session this spring, we could fill a month of Required Readings. Here are a few highlights (or downlights, as the case may be):
The governor of South Dakota has vetoed legislation that would have required transgender students in public schools to use bathrooms, locker rooms, and other facilities based on their gender at birth. The veto held after a legislative vote of 36 ayes to override the veto and 29 to support the veto, with a two-thirds majority of 47 ayes was needed for an override.
In Virginia, a bill that will allow parents to parents to opt out of reading assignments deemed “sexually explicit” by the Virginia Board of Education will head to the governor. (Why do these folks never have similar concerns about violence?) No word on whether the governor plans to veto.
On the other side of the state line, West Virginia’s Innovation in Education Act would allow schools to request freedom from state statutes, including personnel laws, with the goal of improving STEM education.
Under “Phrases Your Don’t Often Hear”: There’s nothing wrong with grade inflation.
Happy Open Education Week!
Not-so-happy: A tale of sexual harassment in the science lab, and too-cool teachers.
The new SAT, explained via sample questions. (h/t to our mother site Skepchick) And from Grounded Parents: Is campaign rhetoric undermining bullying prevention? It seems that the answer is probably yes. Particularly when it comes to Muslim students.
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