Illegal aliens in academic libraries, first secular chair, research guide to Lemonade, international students, unemployed law graduates, and more: Required Readings, 05.29.16

A move by the House of Representatives will require the Library of Congress to retain the term “illegal alien” for cataloging and search purposes, reversing the library’s plan to replace the term with less prejudicial identifiers, such as “noncitizens” or “unauthorized immigration.” How does this relate to education? Most college and university libraries in the country use the Library of Congress classification system to catalog and organize their materials.

Near the top of big news last week was the announcement that the University of Miami is establishing the nation’s first academic chair “for the study of atheism, humanism, and secular ethics,” funded by a donation from philanthropist Louis J. Appignani,

Information and pop culture collide in the Maryland Institute College of Art’s guide to the literary, film, and history references Beyoncé makes in her visual album ‘Lemonade.’

International students not only bolster the economy but help counter U.S. isolationism.

Who knew? Russia has a thriving black market in dissertations.

The 20 law schools with the highest percentage of unemployed graduates

The Portland, Oregon, schools will be jettisoning any curricular materials that deny climate change as a scientific fact.

Billions at stake in university patent fights

What interesting news have you read lately? Send your Required Readings to SoD via our contact form.




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