Infolit for first-gen students, American intellectualism, helping quiet kids succeed, academic social media, and more: Required Readings, 07.14.16

Critical information literacy and first-generation college students

A new book reimagines popular notions of American intellectualism

How teachers can:

Academics’ use of social media is changing the face of scholarly publishing

The Secular Student Alliance is asking both the Democratic and Republican parties to keep the party platforms religion neutral

Schools in the U.S. where you can get a history degree without taking a U.S. history course

Why Community College Completion Is Often a Long and Winding Road

Meet Justine Greening, Britain’s new education minister

After a vote that had been held up by partisan interests, Dr. Carla Hayden yesterday was confirmed as the 14th Librarian of Congress, the first non-white-male to hold the post, and the first professional librarian in more than 60 years.

Whittier Law School students’ criticism of a professor’s Black Lives Matter shirt, and her response

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