Lecture-free college courses, social media publishing, climate brainwashing, bad timing in Texas, and more: Required Readings, 07.29.16

Losing the lecture in higher education: Innovation or problematic pedagogy?

The role of social media in scholarly publishing

Oklahoma’s Sen. Jim Inhofe is spitting mad that his granddaughter was “brainwashed” at public school to believe that climate change is real. For those not aware, Sen. Inhofe happens to be the chair of the Senate Committee on the Environment and Public Works.

Required Readings has previously covered the issue of a controversial Texas campus-carry law that will allow concealed guns in university buildings. In a head-slapping accident of timing, the law is scheduled to take effect on Monday, August 1, the 50th anniversary of the University of Texas tower shootings. The first mass murder on a U.S. college campus, the tower shootings were preceded by the murder of the gunman’s wife and mother and left 14 people dead, plus the gunman, and more than 30 wounded.

Controversy is rising in one WV county over legislation that some say gives the school system too wide a latitude in monitoring social media communications and other personal content on the personal cellphones and computers that school employees use for certaim work-related tasks.

In response to a report claiming that the University of California system has admitted larger numbers of out-of-state and international students at the expense of California residents over the past decade, the system has increased admission offers to California freshmen by more than 15% for the fall 2016 semester while reducing offers to international students at two campuses.

What happens when an academic harassment whistleblower goes on the science job market?

Children who live in book deserts

Just because it’s summer in the U.S. doesn’t mean that it’s all quiet on the education front. Share your Required Readings with SoD via our contact form.

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