School of Doubt is looking for writers!

School of Doubt is looking for more writers! The gig requires a moderate time commitment and offers no pay, except for–should you defeat the Iron Chef–the people’s ovation and fame forever. So, what are we looking for in a candidate?

At a minimum, applicants should be educators (whether as instructors or administrators in traditional institutions or as less formal teachers, tutors, or producers of educational materials) and be knowledgeable about critical thinking, geek culture, and feminism.

Further Qualifications

  • You should be able to write clearly and concisely
  • It helps to have a sense of humour
  • You need to be able to handle the small associated e-mail load (including our backchannel and reader comments)
  • You should be able to deal with a (very) occasional troll
  • You should be able to commit to posting a minimum of at least once every week or two. For serious.

Still interested? Great! Here’s how to apply:

Fill out our contact form (N.B. this is the SoD contact form, not Skepchick Prime) and include the following info:

  • A brief bio, including the relevant info about your experience as an educator
  • What sorts of issues you would like to write about in education or in Skepticism/Feminism/Geekery more broadly
  • A link to a writing sample, if you have one (not required).

Even you don’t fit these criteria, please help us out by sharing on social media or sending other candidates our way!

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