Bloom’s taxonomy, presidential politics and education, evolving science ed, and more: Required Readings, 10.13.16
After a lengthy hiatus thanks to a cross-country move, a new job, and the resulting temporary dearth of spare brain cells, Required Readings has returned!
Let’s start out nice and gentle with some pretty (yet educational) pictures: Visually striking depictions of Bloom’s taxonomy of classifying levels of expertise for instruction purposes.
Well shut my mouth and call me biscuit! A Liberty University student group called Liberty United Against Trump issued a public statement rebuking the candidate as well as the school’s president, Jerry Falwell Jr., for his defense of Trump following the release of a 2005 video in which the latter essentially admitted to sexual assault. “Any faculty or staff member at Liberty would be terminated for such comments, and yet when Donald Trump makes them, President Falwell rushes eagerly to his defense – taking the name “Liberty University” with him.” Considering that my first experiences with Liberty grads involved folks who thought that interracial marriage and receiving government benefits were both sins, I’m honestly kind of stunned by this turn of events.
In related matters, here’s a look at the relationship between holding a college degree and presidential voting in 2016. And a high school librarian in Texas has been suspended over cutouts of the two main presidential candidates that were displayed with signs mentioning deportation and deplorables.
At the university level, is entrepreneurialism at odds with deep thinking?
The further evolution of science education
What happened to ITT Tech’s 40K students when it closed.
How Texas policies are keeping eligible children out of special education programs
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