Inexhaustive List of Jobs not Received with a Humanities PhD
Inexhaustive List of Jobs not Received with a Humanities PhD from a “World Class” University
Assistant Professor at a University (37)
One-Year Visiting Professor at a University (6)
Adjunct Lecturer at a University (4)
Post-doctoral Researcher at a University (5) (6)*
Acquisitions Editor for a University Press
Associate Editor for a Textbook Publisher
Translator for a Media Company (3)
Copy Editor for Media Company (4)
Copy Writer for Media Company (2)
Proof Reader for Media Company
Fact Checker for Media Company
Cultural Arts Administrative Assistant for a Nonprofit
Production Assistant for a Film Festival
Generic Office Work at a Conservatory
Receptionist (3)
Temp (2)
*My mistake posting before end of business today.
Featured Image: U.S. National Archives and Records Administration
Ouch! The solace I can offer is that now I can look back on my box of 100+ rejection letters (they used to mail you physical letters once upon a time!) for jobs that my Biology PhD and 2 postdocs with world famous scientists failed to earned for me. One day you’ll get that perfect position and realize how lucky you were in that none of the others worked out.
Dr. Pangloss
Mailed rejection letters? How quaint!
Now they just never contact you, forcing you to spend weeks or months checking via backchannels and anonymous wikis to see if the search has moved on without you.